The Skill Games Issue in Pennsylvania May Be Resolved by the State Supreme Court

The Skill Games Issue in Pennsylvania May Be Resolved by the State Supreme Court

The state of Pennsylvania has been grappling with the issue of skill games for quite some time now. These games, which are often found in bars and convenience stores, have been a topic of controversy due to their legality. While some argue that they are games of skill and therefore should be legal, others contend that they are essentially gambling and should be banned.

The issue has been further complicated by the fact that different counties within the state have taken different approaches to regulating skill games. Some have allowed them to operate freely, while others have cracked down on them. This has led to confusion and inconsistency across the state.

However, it seems that the skill games issue in Pennsylvania may finally be resolved by the state Supreme Court. In September of 2020, the court agreed to hear a case that will determine whether or not skill games are legal in the state.

The case centers around a company called Pace-O-Matic, which produces and distributes skill games. The company has argued that their games are indeed games of skill and therefore should not be considered gambling. They have also pointed out that their games are regulated by the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board.

However, opponents of skill games argue that they are essentially slot machines in disguise. They contend that the outcome of the games is largely determined by chance rather than skill, and that they therefore constitute gambling.

The state Supreme Court’s decision in this case will have far-reaching implications for the future of skill games in Pennsylvania. If the court rules in favor of Pace-O-Matic, it could pave the way for other companies to produce and distribute similar games. On the other hand, if the court rules against Pace-O-Matic, it could mean the end of skill games in the state.

Regardless of the outcome, it is clear that the issue of skill games in Pennsylvania is a complex and contentious one. It remains to be seen how the state Supreme Court will ultimately rule, but one thing is certain: the decision will have a significant impact on the future of gaming in Pennsylvania.