Texas House Approves Sports Betting Bill, Urges Senate to Follow Suit

Texas House Approves Sports Betting Bill, Urges Senate to Follow Suit

The Texas House of Representatives has approved a bill that would legalize sports betting in the state. The bill, which was passed by a vote of 101-36, now heads to the Senate for consideration.

If the bill is signed into law, Texas would become the 25th state to legalize sports betting. The move would generate millions of dollars in revenue for the state, which has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The bill would allow sports betting at licensed casinos, horse racing tracks, and professional sports venues. It would also allow online sports betting through licensed operators.

Supporters of the bill argue that legalizing sports betting would create jobs and boost the state’s economy. They also point out that Texans are already betting on sports illegally, and that legalizing it would bring the activity out of the shadows and regulate it.

Opponents of the bill argue that legalizing sports betting would lead to an increase in problem gambling and addiction. They also argue that it could lead to corruption in sports, as athletes and coaches could be tempted to manipulate games for financial gain.

Despite these concerns, many states have already legalized sports betting and have not seen any significant increase in problem gambling or corruption in sports.

The Texas House’s approval of the bill is a significant step forward for sports betting advocates in the state. However, the bill still faces significant hurdles in the Senate, where some lawmakers are opposed to legalizing sports betting.

If the bill does pass the Senate and is signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott, Texas could see a significant boost in revenue from sports betting. The state’s economy has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, and legalizing sports betting could provide a much-needed source of revenue.

Overall, the approval of the sports betting bill by the Texas House is a positive development for sports betting advocates in the state. While there are still obstacles to overcome, the fact that the bill has made it this far is a sign that the tide may be turning in favor of legalizing sports betting in Texas.