Online Gambling Black Book Proposed in Nevada Gambling Bill

Online Gambling Black Book Proposed in Nevada Gambling Bill

The state of Nevada is known for its thriving gambling industry, with Las Vegas being the gambling capital of the world. However, with the rise of online gambling, the state is facing new challenges in regulating the industry. In response to this, a new bill has been proposed that would create an online gambling black book.

The black book would be a list of individuals and companies that are banned from participating in online gambling activities in Nevada. This would include those who have been convicted of illegal gambling activities, as well as those who have violated the state’s gambling laws. The purpose of the black book is to prevent these individuals and companies from operating in the state’s online gambling market.

The bill was introduced by Nevada State Senator Becky Harris, who is also the chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Judiciary. In a statement, Harris said that the black book would “provide an additional tool for law enforcement to ensure that those who have engaged in illegal gambling activities are not able to operate in Nevada’s regulated online gaming market.”

The proposed bill has received support from the Nevada Gaming Control Board, which is responsible for regulating the state’s gambling industry. The board’s chairman, A.G. Burnett, said that the black book would be a “valuable tool” in ensuring that only reputable companies and individuals are allowed to participate in online gambling activities in Nevada.

However, some critics have raised concerns about the potential impact of the black book on the industry. They argue that it could be used to unfairly target certain individuals or companies, and that it could stifle innovation and competition in the online gambling market.

Despite these concerns, the bill has already passed through the Senate Committee on Judiciary and is now being considered by the full Senate. If it is passed into law, Nevada would become the first state to create an online gambling black book.

Overall, the proposed online gambling black book is a significant development in Nevada’s efforts to regulate the industry. While there are valid concerns about its potential impact, it could ultimately help to ensure that only reputable and law-abiding companies and individuals are allowed to participate in the state’s online gambling market.