North Carolina House Passes Sports Betting Bill Without Obstacles

North Carolina House Passes Sports Betting Bill Without Obstacles

On Monday, April 26th, the North Carolina House of Representatives passed a bill that would legalize sports betting in the state. The bill, known as House Bill 631, passed with a vote of 97-23, indicating strong support for the measure.

The bill would allow for sports betting to take place at tribal casinos and through mobile apps. The state’s two federally recognized tribes, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians and the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, would be able to offer sports betting at their casinos. The bill also allows for up to 12 mobile sports betting licenses to be issued to operators.

The bill’s sponsor, Representative Jason Saine, stated that the legalization of sports betting would bring in much-needed revenue for the state. He estimated that sports betting could generate up to $50 million in annual revenue for North Carolina.

The bill now heads to the Senate for consideration. If it passes there, it will then go to Governor Roy Cooper for his signature. Governor Cooper has not yet indicated whether he supports or opposes the legalization of sports betting in the state.

If the bill becomes law, North Carolina would join a growing number of states that have legalized sports betting since the Supreme Court struck down a federal ban on the practice in 2018. Currently, more than two dozen states have legalized sports betting in some form.

Opponents of the bill argue that sports betting could lead to an increase in problem gambling and other negative social consequences. However, supporters point out that sports betting is already taking place in North Carolina through illegal channels and that legalizing and regulating the practice would provide greater consumer protections and generate much-needed revenue for the state.

Overall, the passage of House Bill 631 by the North Carolina House of Representatives is a significant step forward for sports betting advocates in the state. While there are still hurdles to overcome before sports betting becomes legal in North Carolina, this latest development indicates that there is strong support for the measure among lawmakers and the public alike.