New Senate Bill Proposed to Provide Assistance to Maryland Horse Racing Industry

New Senate Bill Proposed to Provide Assistance to Maryland Horse Racing Industry

The Maryland horse racing industry has been struggling for years due to a lack of funding and competition from neighboring states. However, a new Senate bill proposed by Senator Chris Van Hollen aims to provide much-needed assistance to the industry.

The bill, titled the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act of 2020, would establish a national regulatory authority for horse racing and provide funding for safety measures and research. The bill would also ban the use of performance-enhancing drugs in horse racing and increase penalties for those who violate the rules.

The Maryland horse racing industry has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, with many tracks closed or operating at reduced capacity. The industry has also faced competition from neighboring states like Pennsylvania and Delaware, which offer more lucrative purses for horse owners.

The Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act would help level the playing field for Maryland horse racing by providing funding for safety measures and research. This would help ensure that Maryland tracks are safe for horses and jockeys, which would in turn attract more owners and trainers to the state.

The bill would also ban the use of performance-enhancing drugs in horse racing, which is a major problem in the industry. These drugs can be dangerous for horses and can give some trainers an unfair advantage over others. By banning these drugs, the bill would help ensure that races are fair and that horses are not put at risk.

Finally, the bill would increase penalties for those who violate the rules. This would help deter trainers and owners from cheating and would help ensure that races are conducted fairly.

Overall, the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act of 2020 is a much-needed piece of legislation for the Maryland horse racing industry. It would provide funding for safety measures and research, ban performance-enhancing drugs, and increase penalties for rule violations. If passed, this bill could help revitalize the Maryland horse racing industry and ensure its long-term viability.